9 Signs You’re in Love

Photo Courtesy: pressmaster ©crestock.com
Love is an awesome feeling. The very knowledge of having someone waiting for you, or being around for you brings you joy. Being in love also means that you get that special someone to share your happy moments, your joys and your sorrows. It makes you happy and there are certain signs when you are in love that lets the cat out of the bag.
1. You are happy
And you smile a lot. Little things that used to irritate you earlier do not seem to upset you anymore and you take life easily. You are comfortable and sure in the knowledge that there is someone for you even when you have had a highly stressful day.
2. You can stop thinking about her
She is all you can think of. You look at a magazine or pass a clothes store and immediately think of what she might like or what she might enjoy looking at. Also places and food remind you of her and you have a happy smile on your face.
3. Your ex becomes ancient history
You no longer carry the hatred you have for your ex. The ex and the relationship becomes ancient history and you no longer care about what happened in the previous relationship. This is a sure sign of you having moved on.
4. You buy little gifts
You start buying little things for no reason. Little stuff and surprises that you think will make her happy.