9 Tips for Making a Good Conversation

Photo Courtesy: Search Engine People Blog
Most human beings are great talkers, but there are only a few who have an intelligent conversation with a mate or any other random person. Being a good conversationalist is more than just blabbering things out in the open. To carry out an excellent conversation with a person, you need to follow some simple tips:
1. Treat the other person as important
A conversation is about two people. The moment you disregard the other person, you are killing the spirit of the conversation. Start speaking out your mind by feeling equal.
2. Hone in on some excellent conversation starters
Things that are pleasant to talk about and which can be discussed freely with any random person ought to be your idea of a perfect conversation. Don’t start the conversation on a negative note by talking about how sultry the weather is or how boring the day is. Instead, bring some playfulness and comfort into the zone.
3. Make the other person feel comfortable
Maintain a friendly tone. This will allow even strangers to open up. The person you are dealing with may be shy or overtly confident. Depending on their demeanor, you can modify your conversation. You need to talk in such a way that the opposite party feels nice sharing some details with you.
4. Listen
After you’ve kickstarted the talk brilliantly, it’s time for you to be all ears to what the other person is saying. Make sure you use affirmative gestures while the other person is talking to let him or her know that what they are saying is indeed being heard.
5. Follow-up
Once the person has told you his or her part of the story, ask appropriate questions. This will make them feel good that you are really interested in what they were talking till then.