9 Tips on Mastering the Art of Persuasion

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Have you ever wished you were more persuasive? Ever wondered how you could get your way or at least part of your way in situations? The power of persuasion is a valuable asset which will undeniably help you in moving ahead in your professional and personal life. For some, this comes naturally, while for others, mastering the skill is the only way out. Here are a few tips you can use to master the art of persuasion.
1. Do your homework
Some people thrive on the thrill of being able to get out of tricky situations by thinking on their feet. Such people also find persuasion and negotiation easy. However, if you aren’t one of those people and you know you are about to get into a situation where you will be needing to persuade someone for something, it is best that you come prepared. Think about all the key points you are going to raise, what are the likely objections and how you will counter them. This way you are less likely to get into sticky situations and come up with weak ad hoc points and are more likely to succeed in your pursuit.
2. Be clear about what you want
Before you proceed to wheel someone around to your point of view, it is imperative to know with full conviction what your point of view is. Do not be ambivalent or unclear – at least not in your mind. If you are clear about what you want out of a particular interaction, not only are you likely to communicate your point better but you also do not run the risk of being talked into something other than what you had intended to achieve.
3. Take a conciliatory stance
The fact that you’re having to persuade means that there is something someone is not outright willing to do. Still it makes sense to adopt a conciliatory stance early on in the discussion. Saying something like, ” I think we can agree that there is a problem ” puts both of you in the same team and makes the other party less hostile.
4. Appeal to their interests and not just your own
It is useful to keep the interest of the other party in mind while making your case. Undeniably anything which is beneficial to the person in front of you is going to get his or her attention more that something that is in your interest only. Therefore think of all the ways in which your proposed course of action/suggestion/demand can benefit the person you are appealing to. Make sure you highlight the same while discussing, repeatedly if required. Focusing on the interests of the party in front of you can really beef up your case and make your chances of success higher.
5. Rely on face to face communication
Face to face communication is much more effective in convincing someone. Corresponding over email or even discussing on the phone does not have the same result. You can’t communicate your conviction and body language unless you are actually sitting across a person. Make that effort to put your point across – it’ll be worth your while.