9 Ways to Resist Temptation and Avoid Infidelity

Photo Courtesy: liber
It’s very easy to get swayed and give in to temptation. But it’s a sign of a weak man; a strong man will stand by his love and respect his marriage. Do you want to be the weak man or the strong one? If you are finding it hard to stay strong and not give in to infidelity, these pointers could boost your moral stand.
1. Wear your wedding ring at all times
Make sure you have your wedding ring on at all times. It’s a sacred sign of marriage and commitment which tells the world that you are taken. Women will avoid approaching you if they know you are not single.
2. Avoid going to strip clubs and bars
Why invite infidelity to your doorstep and with it the many problems that follow? If you are unhappy with your marriage, discuss it with your wife, consult a counselor, but don’t indulge in cheap thrills like strip clubs and dance bars that will do nothing but tempt you into sin.
3. Think about your wedding vows
The vows taken during a wedding by both partners have lots of significance. Know their meaning and importance. Think about why you got married, the lovely times spent with your better half, and how someone can ruin all of this if they find you weak enough to let it all go.
4. Think about your wife and the positives of your marriage
When on the verge of starting an affair with someone else, spare a thought for your loving wife, kids and your marriage as a whole. You married her for a reason; she is your best friend and lover. You cannot throw it all away for momentary pleasure.
5. Think about the consequences
Lest your infidelity is caught, what would happen? Think of the consequences that could wreck lives of not just you and your wife but also your families and kids if any. The family you invested in and nurtured, will be over due to a silly folly.