12 Ways to Make a Girl Smile

Photo Courtesy: Bert Heymans
1.It’s a universal fact that women love compliments and that is the best and most foolproof way to make her smile till date.
2.The second best thing they absolutely adore after compliments is attention. Make her the center of your attention and she will gladly pay you for it with a smile.
3.Manners always manage to charm a girl and when you use golden words like please, thank you, sorry, welcome or my pleasure, it’s sure to make her feel warm and smiley.
4.Girls love guys with a sense of humor who can make them crack into a smile anytime and anywhere. Making a situational joke or cracking a witty line are useful, however, make sure they don’t have a vulgar or sexist touch to them.
5.Get a little cocky and state a pick up line. If the pick up line is something charming and humor filled it will surely get you the smile of the girl, if not her number.
6.Give her your jacket or scarf when she is cold or to protect her from sudden rains.