7 Good Questions to Make Conversation

Photo Courtesy: Tobyotter
Making good conversation is an art and ability that not many have. Outgoing people often end up blabbering, while the introverts are accused of not talking enough. This list of 7 questions can aid you in making a smooth conversation with just about anyone and everyone.
1. What do you do?
One of the most logical questions to ask someone you have just met is their profession. Knowing what they do in life will tell you a lot about the person and his disposition.
2. What are your hobbies?
Talking about hobbies, likes and dislikes increases familiarity with the other person and is a good fodder for smooth flowing conversation.
3. Latest film
If nothing else, pop culture is always there to talk about. You can ask about the latest film they saw or album they heard and discuss about the same.
4. Views on current topics
Current going ons in the world such as latest news, events, scams or scandals are good subjects to be discussed. One can give opinions on them and have healthy debates as well.