9 Things Women Love to Do

Photo Courtesy: andrewarchy
Although the secret to a man’s heart has been known to be food since ages, the secret to a woman’s heart is not known. This is because women want and love to do quite a lot of things; they are great multi-taskers after all. Giving you more insight into ladies’ minds is our compilation of things that they love to do the most.
1. Shopping
We all know this one. How much women love shopping is a universal fact, for be it a woman from France or from China, or anywhere in the world, they get their thrills from going on a shopping spree or even simply window shopping.
2. Gossiping
The 2nd most universal fact known about women is that, they are really social creatures and have to have their quota of gossip. Some of them may deny it in front of men to show that they are different from others of their clan, but the truth is every woman loves gossiping and most even find it therapeutic. They find happiness in sharing information about others with their gal pals, information that can also be categorized as bitching sometimes.
3. Cuddling
Men may not be big fans of cuddling, but women consider it very comforting and joyful. They can lie for hours in the arms of their lover.
4. Pampering
Women love pampering themselves and they love a guy who pampers them even more. They love going to beauty parlors and looking fresh and pretty. Relaxing massages, spa treatments. Manicures, pedicures and such other luxurious rituals are their favorites.
5. Seeing dramatic and romantic sitcoms or films
The viewership of romcoms, romantic and dramatic film and TV soaps is almost wholly made of women viewers who of course drag their men to watch it with them. They love happy endings and seeing the dramatic lives of actors unfold in front of their eyes, wishing that their life could be the same.