23 Cute Things to Tell Your Girlfriend

Photo Courtesy: michi003
Girls love being told sweet nothings by their beaus. Not a romantic and wondering how to spell out your love in unique ways? This list of cute one liners that you can say or send your girlfriend via text should help you out when you are feeling all mushy and romantic.
1.“I have the best time with you out of all people.”
2.“I don’t think I can ever have enough of you.”
3.“You are my best friend as well.”
4.“You make me believe in angels.”
5.“I think I have found my soul mate.”
6.“You look like a Barbie doll.”
7.“If I had to choose between breathing and loving you, I would use my last breath to say, I love you.”
8.“I could conquer the world with just one hand as long as you were holding the other.”
9.“I never knew what love was until I met you.”