7 Ways to Get Rid of Acne

Photo Courtesy: Grégoire Lannoy
Acne does not only make a person look bad physically, but also makes them low emotionally. Pimples on the face lead to lower self esteem and confidence as people feel they look bad. Acne can be eliminated and significantly reduced if bad habits are cropped out and good ones like these listed here are followed.
1. Eat healthy and fresh
The first and probably the most effective step that should be undertaken for the clearance of acne is to change your diet. Eliminate oily, fattening, milky foods, chocolates and sweets by replacing them with fresh fruits and vegetables. This works wonders for your skin.
2. Keep hands off your face
Never touch your face with your hands, whether you have acne or not. Except for washing your face, it’s advisable to not touch your face as fingertips carry many germs and dirt that could lead to the clogging of pores.
3. Don’t scrub your face
Don’t use any facial scrubs and while washing don’t massage your face. This increases the incidence of skin pores getting clogged and resulting in pimples.
4. Change your face wash
Switch your moisturizing face wash with one that is oil-free. There are many such gel based face washes available in the market, ask the chemist which one is the most effective for acne.