6 Reasons Why Being Gay is Easier

Photo Courtesy: tpsdave
Every guy in the world would have, at some point of time, joked about him wishing he was gay because being with a woman and understanding her is just so darn hard. Here are a few reasons why being gay is easier
1. Guys do not PMS
When you are gay, your partner would never have mood swings at one fixed time every week where everything you would say would be used against you and you would be bombarded with all sorts of irrational arguments.
2. Guys do not take hours to order
When you go out to eat with a guy, nor would he ever take a zillion hours deciding what kind of fish he wants to eat and what should be the side dressing. He might comment on how what he is ordering is fattening, but that is about it.
3. Guys are always up for PDA
You would seldom come across guys who hesitate to be all “couple” like in public. If they are sleeping with someone, they will have no qualms what so ever about giving them a little kiss here, a little hug there.