5 Most Obvious Signals Women Give When They Want You

Photo Courtesy: vincentfung.ca
It is always good to be aware of your surroundings and have razor sharp observation skills; especially when you are out at a bar and some woman is displaying signs that she wants you. Because you know if you miss such a window of opportunity, you would want to kick yourself. Read on to find out the most obvious signals women emit when they want you and always be on the lookout for these – you never know when you might get lucky!
1. They run their hands through their hair:
This is the classic signal that a woman displays when she wants a guy. She will touch her hair and play with them over and over again, maybe even shake her head a little. When you see this, be assured that you are doing something right.
2. They touch you, accidentally of course:
Maybe a stroke on your arm, or on your hand. Or maybe patting your chest gently while laughing. If they want you, they will find an excuse to touch you. When they do, understand that there is a high chance that they want you.
3. They put on a show, literally:
When women want you, they will put quite a lot on display so that you can take due notice. Of course, it would be subtle; but you would be able to tell. Take this as a sign, and make a move!