7 Health Benefits of Yoga

Photo Courtesy: o0bsessed
Yoga, which means ‘union’ in Sanskrit, originated from India and has gained a huge fan following worldwide thanks to its many health benefits. Everyone should practice a healthy lifestyle and that’s exactly what yoga provides you with. So men, if you need any justifications for making yoga a part of your life, just have a look at these points below.
1. Improves flexibility
Yoga, with its various complicated postures and asanas is the best for boosting your flexibility. The body is twisted in various forms, something it is not accustomed to, and you realize how restrained your body was until you do yoga.
2. Improves eye-hand coordination
There are various asanas, which means physical positions, in yoga that help in improving the eye-hand coordination. Besides this, people gain more strength, resilience and dexterity skills through regular practice of yoga.
3. Good for your heart
Blood and oxygen in the body are regulated better and in a systematic manner when one practices yoga everyday. It lowers blood pressure and is great for patients of hypertension to relax.
4. Boosts mental health
People who do yoga daily are known to have better concentration and focus on things more clearly and strongly. This form of exercise also improves memory and attention. It relaxes people and makes them think deeply. Thus, those who suffer from emotional stress, depression, hyperactivity, anxiety and such other mental disorders should certainly take up yoga to stabilize themselves.