6 Ways to Talk about Your Previous Relationships with Your Girlfriend

Photo Courtesy: LotusHead
Do you want to confess your past relationships with your current girlfriend? It is a good idea to be honest with your partner but there are some things you need to be aware of. Here are ways in which you should talk to her about your ex partners.
1. Avoid making any sort of comparisons
Whenever you talk about your previous relationships with your girlfriend, avoid making any comparison, whether on a personal level or on a relationship level. And it is just not enough for you to avoid saying anything yourself, but you should also watch out for any questions that your girlfriend may have for you. Try to give diplomatically pleasing answers if she asks you a question that makes you pick the best between one relationship and the other. Any comparison can haunt your girlfriend emotionally for a long time.
2. Skip the minute details
There is no point in going through the extremely minute details from your past relationships. These little irrelevant details could include how you watched your favorite movie with your ex while cuddling with her or how you used to skip work early so that you both could go on dates. It is a good step to confess your previous relationships to your current girlfriend but you will definitely push the emotional boundaries if you go into minute details, some of which are best not said.
3. Don’t sound too supportive of any of your exes
Regardless of the topic of discussion, make sure that you don’t sound supportive of your ex-girlfriend in front of your current girlfriend. The slightest mistake of doing so can make your girlfriend think that you still have feelings for your ex. For example, if your girlfriend tells you that your ex made a bad decision, don’t argue by saying that your ex was right in her own way to take that decision. Rather, just diplomatically end the topic by telling your girlfriend that she is right.