8 Reasons Why Women Are So Complicated

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The question to which every man out there is seeking an answer is out. For whatever reasons, but guys find it almost impossible to enter a girl’s psyche and figure out what exactly lies there. But, don’t worry as we are all set to give an inside view of what she’s thinking and the reasons why she is so difficult to pin down.
1. Women are highly competitive
Whether it is a dress, a party or any other random activity, they want to be the best. This is one prime reason why all sorts of comparisons and issues arise in a relationship. Even the mere sight of her boyfriend innocently looking at a beautiful passerby is blown out of proportion due to this unexplainable attitude of women.
2. Women are more sentimental
They take decisions from the bottom of their heart. They don’t think practically, though it would be wrong to generalize on this aspect. For them, love, relationships and affection are above everything else in the world.
3. Women are more territorial
Though men tend to get possessive of their partners in the initial stages of a relationship, girls step into their shoes very soon. Sometimes men feel that the girl is creating a mountain out of a molehill, but deep down it is he who matters to her at all costs.
4. Women think a lot
Women are adept at mind reading and body language. This is one reason why they over-analyze each and every situation, which creates troubles between couples. And it is not just that they are critical of their partners but themselves as well. Instances such as making a mistake and then apologizing for it, sometimes even without any reason are all because of such an attitude.