6 Tips to Make Your Friend Fall for you

Photo Courtesy: laskvv ©crestock.com
Moving from the “friend zone” to the “boyfriend zone” can be a very challenging task, especially if your friendship means a lot to you. The trick here is to not be too aggressive so that it may ruin your friendship. It is a situation that must be handled delicately. If at any time you feel that your gestures are making her feel uncomfortable, back off instantly. We give you some tips to make your friend fall for you.
1. Flirt a little
Being a little flirtatious can make her start looking at you as someone more than just a friend. Keep it subtle and don’t make her uncomfortable. Just compliment her appearance or tease her about something or say things that might have a double meaning. This could be a nice start from being a friend to a boyfriend.
2. Be her knight in shining armor
Make sure you are there to help her out whenever she is in trouble. Be there to save her every time that she is in any kind of problem. This would ensure that you are the one that she thinks of when she needs some rescuing. This might eventually make her realize that every time she is the damsel in distress, you are her knight in shining armor.
3. Look nice
It would do you no harm if you just put a little bit of effort in improving the way you present yourself to her. Dress nice, get a good haircut, focus on hygiene, and smell nice. This will make her look at you as someone attractive. If this move ends up making other girls fall for you, it could also work in your favor and make the girl realize that you are indeed boyfriend material.