6 Tips to Find a New Job

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You may have just ended your delinquent college days or you might have intentions of changing your current job. Right from the time you bid the final goodbye to your previous office or college, you need to act pro-actively. Remember, the job market is as flooded with applications as it is with offers and a slight negligence on your part will keep you from landing in your dream job. Read on to get started with your job hunting:
1. Make up your mind
There are times when people don’t even know what they want to do in life, especially in case of fresh applicants. You need to take a firm decision in terms of the job profile you’re targeting. Any vacillations on your part will be evident in the interview as well as your resume.
2. Streamline your job search
It is natural to peek at other posts and offerings while looking for the companies you’re aiming at. But, such distractions will make things difficult for you. Now that you know what you want to do in life, search online databases, websites and social networking sites for relevant offers. Narrow down your search.
3. Make an impressive resume
Your resume is the first opportunity to seal the deal. So make sure you have all the keywords in place. A prospective employer must know that you are qualified for the job as soon as he scans through your resume. Keep it to the point and highlight your qualifications. If possible conduct keyword analysis for your resume to be noticed in searches made by potential employers.