5 Health Benefits of Whisky

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Tell the world that you love whisky and what are the probable reactions? Compatriots will hug you and call you for a drink, teetotalers will turn up their nose, and your parents will be horrified. Why is such a diverse reaction there to this drink? For centuries, whisky was the poor man’s tonic. Whenever there was a cause for celebration, a round of whisky was called. For those going through tough times, whisky used to provide the much needed succor. However, too much of anything is bad. Alcoholism is widespread throughout the globe and is blamed for many of society’s vices. But is this backlash justified? If you are a moderate drinker who drinks for pleasure and not for getting stone drunk, read on to find 5 main health benefits of drinking whisky.
1. Absence of fat
Fat has become the nemesis of modern age. Due to fast paced lifestyle of the general public, a healthy diet is fast fading into the background. This has resulted in the rise of junk food. In order to combat the resulting prevalence of health issues including obesity, adoption of healthy diet is absolutely necessary. You can achieve this by complimenting your diet along with whisky. Yes, you heard it right; whisky is the perfect drink to go along with your health diet. As there is zero level fat content in whisky, your Jack Daniels is the perfect addition to your diet.
2. Avoids stroke
Stroke is defined as rapid loss of brain function due to disruption of blood supply to the brain. It can strike you anywhere and without warning. What steps can you take to prevent a stroke? Apart from exercise and weight control, whisky can help you fight stroke. Medical studies conducted all over the globe have correlated moderate consumption of whisky to lower risk of stroke by over 50% in old age.
3. Fights high cholesterol
High cholesterol is the leading cause of high blood pressure which in turn leads to heart attack. It is caused by buildup of excessive carbohydrates. Whisky contains only 0.04 g of carbohydrates in a normal shot, which transforms into energy as soon as it enters our blood stream. Due to the heat nature of the drink, moderate consumption helps to loosen up the blocked arteries by removing plaque steadily.