7 Ways to Ask Forgiveness From Your Girlfriend

Photo Courtesy: erix!
Asking forgiveness from your girlfriend may require you to be prepared to do everything from begging, pleading and getting down on your knees to saying sorry. If you have broken your lady’s heart and you are looking for ways to ask her forgiveness, read on for some tips.
1. Bring her a handmade gift or card
Make no mistake, if you buy your girlfriend ready made gifts from a store to accompany your apology, she may think that you are trying to buy her out. Be on the safer side and gift her something handmade to woo her. Make a card, print a collage of your pictures as a couple or write a sweet message on an empty ceramic mug that she can preserve. Let her know that you have put time and effort in apologizing.
2. Write her a letter or a note
Many guys are known to express their feelings better in written form rather than verbalizing them. If you are the type of guy whose tongue gets twisted while apologizing, you may want to revert to writing a letter and letting out your feelings on paper. The letter does not need to be elaborate, you can even keep it simple by using sticky notes.
3. Follow up with your apology
Just saying sorry to ask for forgiveness from your girlfriend is not enough. You must follow up your apology every day until you feel that your girlfriend is cheerful again. If you say sorry and forget about your mistake the next day, your apology will have no value.
4. Make genuine promises
If you really want to make sure that you don’t repeat your mistake to upset your girlfriend, apologize by making genuine promises that you are sure to keep. Tell her what steps you will take to ensure that you don’t goof up again. By showing your seriousness and strong will to improve, you may convince your girlfriend to forgive you.