9 Things to Talk About on a First Date

Photo Courtesy: Train Chartering & Private Rail Cars
If you have managed to bag your first date, you have already won half the battle. You need to manage the remaining half by figuring out all the right things to talk about with your girl. Read on to find what you should talk about on your first date so that you are not left with awkward or embarrassing moments of silence.
1. Her interests and hobbies
Your safest bet is to talk about generic topics like hobbies and passions on your first date. This will help you set the foundation for the date. As the conversation begins to flow from her side, you will be able to buy time to think about what you will talk about next. Knowing about her hobbies and interests may also give you a peak into her personality.
2. Her family and siblings
The trick here is not in going into details about your date’s family but to scratch the surface by getting a quick introduction to them. Are her parents divorced? How many siblings does she have? Is she close with her family? All these insights will help you in conversing with her for the rest of your date.
3. Places she loves to hangout
Talking about the places she loves to visit and hangout can be an instant conversation starter. You can ask your date about her favorite coffee place, where she goes when she is gloomy, her favorite mall in the city or the events that she generally attends.
4. Your common friends
Facebook can make it very easy to find common friends between you and your date. Before you go, check out who these friends are so that you can talk about them. Ask your girl how she knows those friends, tell her how you are connected to them and let the conversation flow naturally.
5. Interesting experiences of life
It helps to do some homework and think about any interesting anecdotes about your life that you may want to share with your date. Asking her to share some of her interesting experiences will also help her open up to you with ease and it will give her the message that you are a keen listener.