8 Signs Your Girlfriend is Not Serious About You

Photo Courtesy: V31S70
While you may be totally head over heels in love with your girl, do you think she feels the same way too? If you feel a twinge of doubt regarding how serious your girlfriend is about the relationship you both share and if she is hesitating to take it to the next level then this list should hopefully clear your mind.
1.She does not commit
You have spoken to her innumerable times about making some form of commitment, be it living in together, getting engaged or getting married. But she always seems to be allergic to the word ‘commitment’ and changes the topic.
2.She is still hung up on her ex
When you have noticed your girl looking up pictures of her ex, talking to him and saving his messages, more than once or twice, then she is in all probability still hoping for a reconciliation with him while keeping you as the rebound guy. The best way would be to talk to her calmly about how sure she is about you for a long term commitment.
3.She does not respect your feelings
More than love, a relationship needs trust and respect, to work. If she constantly does things that don’t show respect for how you feel then it is time for you to rethink about her seriousness towards this relationship.
4.She doesn’t introduce you to her family
Meeting your partner’s parents is a big step in a relationship. No one introduces their better half to their family unless they are serious about him or her. So if her family has no clue about your existence even though your folks know her well, then its time to confront her about her commitment.