8 Tips to End a Relationship

Photo Courtesy: whatmegsaid
The ending stages of a relationship are never pleasant. It’s mostly one person who knows and wants it to come to an end while the other person may be caught unawares, or may be feeling it too but hasn’t initiated the break up yet.
1.Talk it out
As difficult as it is to start a relationship, it’s doubly hard to end one. Make your partner sit down and take out the sensitive topic of breaking up. The best way to convey or resolve anything is to talk it out.
2.Write it down
Sometimes people feel freer to explain what they think in the form of written words. You can write a letter explaining the need to end a stagnant relationship and hand it over to your soon to be ex.
3.Explain the reasons clearly
Don’t be vague and end it in a hurry. The other person deserves an explanation with clear reasons.
4.Don’t keep in contact for a while
Although exes can be friends, it’s always wise to renew the friendship after a couple of months or so and give each other some breathing space. Don’t contact each other till you feel you both have recovered enough from the break up.