7 Mistakes You May be Making in Your Relationship

Photo Courtesy: gabofr
No relationship is perfect. Just like a job, when one gets into a relationship, they feel ecstatic. However, subtle mistakes which you may not even know you could be doing, are capable of spelling doom on your relationship. Look through these pointers and make sure you aren’t making any of these errors.
1.Not giving enough time
This is one of the most common reasons for the breakdown of a relationship. True lovers know how to set their priorities straight and if you are concentrating too much on your career while giving too less time to your girlfriend, she would soon call it quits.
2.Not listening
Women want their partners to listen to them. She will be leaving you sooner than you think if you are always too preoccupied with your thoughts and talks to listen to what she feels.
3.Taking her for granted
When in a long term relationship, partners start taking each other for granted unknowingly. One stops paying heed to the other’s needs, views, career and problems. Try to keep your relationship as fresh as it was in the beginning.
4.Failing to do anything special
A relationship needs constant efforts and hard work to be maintained successfully. If you have stopped making special efforts to keep her happy, like gifting her from time to time, planning a romantic date or surprising her, the relationship will become lifeless.