8 Tips for Shy Guys to Approach The Girl They Like

Photo Courtesy: mrhayata
Asking out your crush may not be a big deal for extrovert guys. However, it’s the shy, introverted guys who get left behind in the dating game. If you are struggling with ways to let your crush know about your true feelings then refer to these 8 methods below.
1.Befriend her virtually
The most common way nowadays to approach anyone is to connect with them online. People feel more safer and free to talk virtually. So start off with, add her on Facebook or follow her on Twitter and strike a friendship.
2.Try finding out mutual friends
Keep an eye out for any mutual friends you may be having. If you do have any, then they can help you befriend your crush by introducing you to her.
3.Read dating books
Reading books on dating may give you a few novel ideas on how to get closer to the girl you like. If some of them even fail, don’t lose heart as there are many relationship gurus out there writing books on this topic.
4.Visit her frequent haunts
To feel more comfortable in her presence, visit those places she loves frequenting. You would get accustomed to her personality and gain opportunities to familiarize with her.