7 Ways to Start a Conversation

Photo Courtesy: raruschel
That awkward moment when you don’t know what to speak to a stranger or a casual acquaintance, can be an agonizing experience. Take a deep breath, as we are about to give you some simple ways to start a conversation.
1. Smile and look approachable
Even before you start a conversation, it is important that you smile and show friendliness through your body language. The conversation-starters will work only if you show off a pleasant character.
2. Start off with the current situation
If you are both waiting for an interview, then it seems intelligent to comment something about the company, the post the 2 of you have applied for or nervousness in general. This will give both of you a common ground to start with.
3. Ask them about themselves
Instead of asking them questions that require just a yes or no, you can ask them questions that necessitate description. Questions that can reveal something more about their personality can be a great way to strike a chord with a random person.
4. Try to be more expressive while talking
Looking at your openness and expressiveness, the person with you may feel at ease too. Actions such as laughing, cracking a joke or two or getting a high five are good ways to instantly connect with another person.