7 Signs You are Secretly Jealous of Your Friend

Photo Courtesy: michi003
There is a term called frenemies that is used for people who behave with their friends like any friend would and at other times like any enemy would. Their friendship is not a healthy one and reeks of jealousy. To make sure you or any of your friends is a frenemy or not, have a look at these pointers.
1.You feel uneasy on knowing about his success
Although you should feel happy about your friend’s success, you somehow feel uneasy and dissatisfied with your own life, with which you were fine with until now. His success makes you slightly irked and you wish to have the same, or better successes.
2.You subconsciously compete about everything
Be it girlfriends, jobs, finances, family life, travels, adventures or experiences, you have subconsciously been competing with your friend ever since you knew him. You just have to have the better deal as compared to your pal in just about everything.
3.You feel the yearn to do better anyhow
Although you are fine with the pace of things moving in your life, you yearn to be one step ahead of your friend by hook or by crook. You have to be better than him in most, and if possible, all aspects.
4.You gloat a little on knowing about his failure
News about your friend’s failure in something gives you a little joy. It makes you feel like you have the upper hand and you are better than him.