10 Disadvantages of a Boarding School

Photo Courtesy: lisafx ©crestock.com
Very often, parents debate whether they should put their children in a boarding school or not. While some feel that growing up in a boarding school is really important for the proper development of a child, others feel that regular schools are better, hands down. For those who thought that boarding schools are the best thing ever for their children, here are some disadvantages they should be aware of.
1. Lack of homely environment
In the initial years of a child’s growth, he/she understands the society through his/her family. The homely atmosphere teaches him/her the basics of life, which he/she will carry forward. A homely environment also helps in developing a well-rounded personality for your child. It helps in making his/her growing years smooth and full of affection. This is something that hostels or boarding schools can’t provide, even if the teachers and the staff are very affectionate.
2. Lack of emotional support
Children may not crib or ask for emotional support, but they often need it. Very often, they do not even realize the need for it, until it is not there. Sending your child to a boarding school will take him away from your emotional support. No doubt your child might become practical in life, but he may lose the basic humility and emotional connect that everyone should have.
3. Lack of family values
There are certain things that a child always learns from his/her home. These make for the child’s core values, and are things that only a family can teach. Simple things like sibling affection, respect for elders, and other such valuable behavioral qualities can become very hard to develop in children who go to the boarding school. This should be the primary reason to not send your children to a boarding school. Try and not deprive them of the family values that they can learn in their homes.
4. Lack of free and fearless communication
Often, children at boarding schools find themselves to be lonely. They do not find people to confide in. Whereas at home, they always know that there will be someone or the other to lend their ears. A child is more uninhibited in discussing his/her personal issues with his/her parents than anyone else.
5. Lack of lifelong bonds
In a busy life where everything else is falling apart, there are very few relations that you can keep close to yourself. One such relationship is the one that you share with your child. It is important that the child grows in such an environment where he/she believes in maintaining such ties with the family. Once the child goes to the boarding school, it becomes really difficult for both the child and the family to maintain such a relationship. People start falling out of love and affection.