5 Disadvantages of Dating A Rich Girl

Photo Courtesy: ssuaphoto ©crestock.com
There’s always a lot of talk about girls wanting to date rich men. However, not many people understand that men too have their side of the story to tell when they are dating a woman who’s richer than them. And unfortunately, having a rich partner in life is not always that exciting. There are quite a few disadvantages of men dating rich girls. Listed here are some of them.
1. Her parents will look down upon you
If you are thinking of having a serious future with her, then her parents will probably not be very happy with you. They have given a lavish upbringing to their daughter all her life, and they would want a stable man to date and marry their daughter, who’d keep her happy and satisfied.
2. You will feel inadequate all the time
If she would want a diamond necklace for her birthday, you would be under pressure to buy one for her. If you don’t have that kind of money, then not buying it would make you even more miserable. So either way, you will always feel very inadequate in front of her, and even worse when you are unable to fulfill her wishes.
3. Your tastes will be different
She would prefer fine dining, while you would be happy with a macaroni or cheese sandwich at home. Differences in tastes would soon lead to arguments and fights, and before you know it, your relationship would become really fragile and weak. At some point or the other, she will be upset and will express verbally that you are unable to keep her happy.