6 Hairstyles Women Hate

Photo Courtesy: Gelpi ©crestock.com
If you are someone who takes care of your hair and spends a lot of time grooming your hair, you should know that the opposite sex likes men who take good care of their hair. That said, it is not the texture of your hair or the lack of it that women look for when they look at you first, but it is the way you have styled it. Just like it does for women, hairstyles for men too have evolved with the changing fashion and years and men too have been adapting to the ever changing styles. Although women like men who experiment with their hair and are quite bold about it, it helps to know that there are some hairstyles that women truly hate. Here are some of the hairstyles that can turn off women. If you are trying to impress a lady, it is best not to have these hairstyles.
1. The mullet
There is something about the mullet that makes it the most hated hairstyle. The truth is that there is pretty much nothing that goes right for a person who has this hairstyle and you would just be left wondering what’s all the fuss about business at the front and party at the back. Just as the hairstyle is confusing, the women are left confused and hate it.
2. Ponytail
Ponytails in men are never considered sexy and it is a shame if you have a rattail which turns on women as much as a rat does. There is a certain creepiness that a lot of women associate with ponytailed men. You are seen as more of a player than taken seriously when you have a long ponytail. And if not maintained properly, they would not and to even come anywhere closer to your hair.
3. Slicked back hair
It looks good on the men who star in the god father movies and the soprano series, but when it is your chosen hairstyle for every day, you are just being impractical. It makes your air greasy, is prone to get dirtier and keeps the hands of women off your hair for good. One of those hairstyles that women hate and one you should not have if you want some tender caressing love.