10 Photography Tips for Nature lovers

Photo Courtesy: Nikavi©crestock.com
All you globetrotters out there who have an insane love for nature, and never know how to capture the beauty of various places in the best possible manner, here are a few tips to click amazing pictures while traveling to picturesque places. Take out your camera and get ready for capturing some great nature shots.
1. Try clicking things that mean something to you
It is always important to capture things that mean something to you. Every photograph, no matter how beautiful it is, should say something on your behalf. It should have a little bit of you in it. So if you come across a waterfall that took your breath away, and is something which will always inspire you, then it should definitely be captured. This way you shall always seek inspiration or solace when you look at that picture. Every beautiful photograph is a visual memoir of an even more beautiful experience or feeling.
2. Try clicking photos opposite to the sun’s direction
One should never shoot in the direction of the sun directly, unless you intend to get a silhouette. To get bright and appropriately exposed photographs (which means that they are neither too dull nor too bright), you should always keep in mind that you click in the opposite direction of the sun. This will help you to capture nicely lit photographs. Understand that we are talking of clicking in the opposite direction of the sun, and not opposite the sunlight.
3. To capture nature shots, click snaps early morning or early evening
This is the time when natural light is the mildest. You can get soothing pictures. In this kind of natural light, the colors of nature are also beautifully represented. Also, these happen to be times when the interesting ‘magic hour’ strikes, and you can get great colors and effects in your pictures.
4. Shoot angles that make the familiar look more interesting
You should always challenge yourself to click photographs that make familiar things look strange or more interesting. Extreme close ups sometimes help in this. Also think of out of the box angles with which the photographs can be clicked. This principal should be followed when clicking subjects that have already been covered by a lot of other people before. Try adding some peculiar element in your pictures and make them look unique.
5. Try establishing the space for a person who may never get to visit the places that you are getting to see
A lot of times, travel photography is done to document places. In such a situation, you should keep in mind that you establish the space for people, who may never get a chance to visit the place and see the natural things that you are seeing. You should try and do as much justice to those places. One should be able to travel to those places through your photographs, and this can often be achieved through proper framing where the space gets good attention.