5 Qualities a Good Husband Must Have

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A great husband is not just a blessing but a dream come true for women. Every woman wishes for some qualities in her husband. If her man possess these qualities, her life is no less than paradise. In return, she reciprocates with equal love and care. What’s more, she also strives to become an ideal wife. So, check out 5 such qualities that every husband must have.
1. He must love her a lot
Women love to be pampered. She expects love, affection and attention from her husband. A good husband will always care for his wife and appreciate her efforts. He will kiss or hug her daily, not as a routine duty but out of genuine love. Occasional surprises like an unexpected gift, surprise trips or dinner treat can be special for her. A loving husband completely understands the space that his wife needs and also respects her and her individuality.
2. He must be protective
However bold a woman is, she always expects her husband to be protective. A husband needs to be strong enough to make her comfortable. That doesn’t mean he needs to be a muscle man, but his manly nature should make her feel safe and secure. He should not be someone who winks at comments passed at her. Instead, he should be the person whose mere presence should make her confident.
3. He must be sensitive, responsible and supportive
A good husband always shares the responsibilities with his wife. He supports his wife and takes up some tasks on his shoulder. Every woman wants her husband to be with her in all stages of life. She expects him to reassure her when she is feeling low. A great husband always will be sensitive to the needs of his wife. He never changes his feelings for his wife, whatever be the situation.