5 Qualities to Look for in Your Future Wife

Photo Courtesy: Deklofenak ©crestock.com
Men like hot, sexy, pouty babes. Psst! Just for a one night stand. When it comes to choosing a wife, the standards change. Hope all you men agree to this general truth. We want many positive qualities in our future wife that help us lead a good, pleasant life ahead. Isn’t it? Check out 5 qualities that men expect in their future wife.
1. She should be beautiful
Everyone wants a wife who is beautiful. Wait, it is not about the external beauty we are talking about. Beauty in personality, behavior, approach and attitude towards life is what a man expects in his wife. In short, a man wants a wife who is beautiful from inside out, since only the beautiful soul lasts forever.
2. She should make you feel wow
Another quality a man wishes in his woman is a pleasing nature. She should be smiling and spreading joy all around you. She should make you feel great and should bring out the best in you. Men hate women who nag constantly and wish for a partner who adjusts and understands their needs.
3. She should be committed
Commitment is the basic foundation on which a marriage survives. A man cannot see himself with a woman who cannot be trusted. A happy marriage needs you to fall in love again and again with the same person. So, commitment is very important.