7 Reasons for Frequent Urination in Men

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It is not a good sign when you feel nature’s call coming on too often and with sudden urgency. The need to go to the toilet between short gaps is usually a cause of embarrassment while you’re in a meeting or writing an exam. It is also a nuisance that gives you disruptive sleep. There can be many reasons as to why this problem may arise. Here are 7 reasons for frequent urination in men.
1. Overactive bladder syndrome
This, in itself, is usually the problem without any other reasons behind it. It’s a condition where the bladder contracts involuntarily, leading to frequent and urgent urination.
2. Prostate enlargement or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Prostate enlargement is a common problem that appears in older men who are above the age of 50. The prostate is a pin ball sized organ which is responsible for producing the fluid that becomes a part of the semen. When the prostate enlarges, it presses against the urethra, causing a blockage in the urine flow. This irritates the wall of the bladder and it contracts even when a small amount of urine accumulates, hence the frequent urination. There can be certain disorders that may cause the prostate to enlarge. However, it is a condition that is easily curable.
3. Diabetes
Frequent urination is one of the initial symptoms of diabetes, in both type 1 and 2. Frequent urination happens when the body attempts to get rid of the unused, excess glucose through urine. Diabetes also destroys some of the nerves that keep the bladder in control.
4. Bladder cancer
Frequent urination can be caused by tumors that take up space in the bladder in the case of bladder cancer and cause bleeding in the bladder. Its treatment depends on what stage the cancer is in and what type it is. It also depends on the type of tumor.