5 Reasons to be Glad Twilight is Over

Photo Courtesy: amazon.com
The Twilight saga is over. Thankfully! We give you a number of reasons why we are relieved to see the final movie of the series.
1. Vampires can be vampires again
Since time eternal, vampires have been seen as ruthless creatures of darkness with a great appetite for sex. It is painful to see vampires like Edward who is a “vegetarian”, shimmers under the sunlight, has a loving heart, high morals, and enough control so as to not go beyond a simple kiss (for most part of the series). This image of a vampire is very unsettling and hard to digest.
2. We no longer need to bear Isabella’s blank expressions
The perpetual damsel in distress, Isabella, had begun to seem pretty annoying. We love her innocence and all but we would appreciate if she would make some effort into moving her facial muscles. Finally with Twilight gone, we no longer need to rescue the blank-faced damsel.
3. We can finally connect with the real world
After having had a good enough doze of how vampires and werewolves fall in love, we can finally leave that world and come back to reality and search for love in “our” world. Unlike the Twilight world, the real world does not have people falling “irrevocably” in love with you after just 2-3 meetings. Also, here in the real world, love does not necessarily equate stalking and obsession and it’s not every day that your girlfriend gives her life to protect you.