7 Reasons Why Drinking And Driving Is A Bad Habit

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The number of drunken driving cases around the world is an increasing menace. And the sad part is that like many other social problems; drunken driving is actually very much preventable. Keeping the problem of excessive alcohol consumption apart since that is a book by itself; drunken driving causes fatal problems to self and innocent people. Here are obvious reasons why.
1. It is a universally acknowledged fact that alcohol can impair your cognitive skills and diminish your ability to concentrate both of which are very important when you are driving.
2. Studies show that visual acuity reduces by 32 percent when you are drunk. Therefore, objects, people and approaching vehicles may not appear with great clarity because your sense of depth and distance is greatly affected when you are drunk.
3. Driving requires extreme attention, quick response and meticulous judgment failing which you are vulnerable to accidents. Alcohol has the power to depress your central nervous system and your response time to an approaching object mobile or otherwise is at least 20 percent slower than it is when you are sober. This can happen even when Blood-Alcohol Concentration (BAC) is just 0.02 percent.
4. You are inviting substantial legal penalties regardless of an accident. There are zero-tolerance laws when it comes to drunken driving. A BAC of over 0.08 is illegal but you can expect to be imprisoned or assigned charges if the breathalyzer test reveals a BAC of less than 0.08 also.