5 Secrets to a Good Night’s Sleep

Photo Courtesy: 4774344sean ©crestock.com
A good sleep at night is essential for a healthy body. If you find it difficult to sleep at night, it is very essential to identify the reasons and act immediately. As a next step, identify some sleep strategies and find out what works best for you. Remember, a healthy adult requires at least eight hours of sleep every night. Here are 5 secrets to a good night’s sleep.
1. Eat less, sleep more
Thought that a good, big meal at night will give you a great sleep? Mistaken you are! No doubt that an empty stomach will keep you awake at night, so does a full belly. Eat less and eat early for a great digestion and deep sleep. If you eat late and eat big meals at night, it will be difficult for you to sleep properly as the stomach needs a long time for digestion. Fatty foods give a good work to your stomach. Also, avoid spicy or acidic food at night as they can cause heartburn.
2. Have cherry juice
Did you know this? Cherry can help you sleep well. This melatonin rich fruit helps to regulate your body’s sleep/wake cycle. Drink cherry juice for about 2 weeks for best results.
3. Follow a strict sleep-wake cycle
Hitting the bed at odd night hours and waking up at irregular hours in the morning can be a real sleep snatcher in the long run. You have to get in sync with your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle for a good sleep. Set a strict hour for your sleep time at night and waking up in the morning. If you do it regularly for about 2 weeks, you can find yourself sleeping peacefully at night. By any chance if you want to change the bedtime, make small changes by adjusting the time a bit early or late than your usual time and take it forward.