6 Signs She is a Player

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Are you dating a woman who is a player by nature? How will you know that she is not interested in you? What will you do if she is just using you? Well, there are some signs to know that she is a player, read on.
1. Proof of lies
If she lies to her friends and family, then this is a red flag for you. She can never be honest in a relationship, if she lies about everything and anything. She may well lie about her affair too. What if she is two timing you? Do not fall for her false claims of love, because she is playing with you.
2. Sexual attraction
If she is a player, then she would do every possible thing to attract you sexually. She would wear revealing clothes, she would make flirty advances. She will take you into confidence. When her purpose is over, she may back out. Yes! You heard it right; she may back out when you are all ready for the act. That is the true sign of a player.
3. Practical nature
If she is a player, naturally she would have a practical approach towards life. Had she been emotional, then she would have to give her time and dedication in a new relationship. If you discuss some serious stuff with her, and she seems cold, then she is a player. She cares a damn about what you think of her. Her only purpose is to get into a new relationship and get out of it easily.