8 Signs You Are an Alpha Male

Photo Courtesy: Ryan Abel
An alpha male is man who has all the perfect qualities of a powerful gentleman in him. Many men have secret aspirations to become alpha males like, the one everyone respects, admires and loves. How many traits of an alpha male do you have? Read on to find out.
1. You make your presence felt
Do you walk into a room, create an air of silence and get everyone’s attention without even saying a single word? If you have such a magnetic personality, you could be an alpha male in the making.
2. You can talk to all types of people
It is difficult to put you in a category. You can make yourself comfortable in any type of environment. You can talk to all type of people with finesse. If you can match these qualities to yourself, you could be an alpha male.
3. You make all clothes look good on you
Alpha males may not always be muscular or good looking but they have a knack of carrying any type of outfit with ease. If you can make anything from a golf tee to a power suit to summer shorts look good, you could have an alpha male traits.
4. You never over react
Are you somewhat like Marlon Brando’s character in the Godfather or Daniel Craig’s character in James Bond? Are you always an unfathomable person who has a constant facial expression? If the answer is yes, you have one of the many traits of an alpha male. It is typical of alpha males to appear stoic and seemingly nonchalant. They are known to never squeak, exclaim or overreact unnecessarily.