5 Signs You are Addicted to BBM

Photo Courtesy: Wavelightmedia ©crestock.com
BBM or Blackberry Messenger is a messaging service that was initially exclusive for Blackberry users. Customers were absolutely in love with it, and Blackberry saw the opportunity to expand their market even further. Hence, very recently, they introduced BBM for iPhone as well as android phones. The level of addiction with this excellent messaging service has only increased more with that. It’s faster, cheaper and has many added facilities compared to the usual SMS service, hence the addiction is quite obvious. But how do you know if you’re just a regular user of this service or if you have become a hardcore BBM addict? Here are 5 signs to tell you that you’re an addict.
1. You constantly update your status
A BBM addict will usually update his status every few minutes or hours to say whatever he is doing or feeling. Anything happens, and the first thing that comes to your mind is to put it as your status on BBM. You feel as though it is your responsibility and you have to do it.
2. You constantly change your profile picture
You go to a beautiful place, or probably you’re just hanging around with your friends and you want to click a picture. The first place that the photo gets uploaded to is your BBM profile. Had it not been for BBM, you probably would not even think of getting clicked at that time.
3. You have distanced from Facebook
Almost all of us can relate to the time when everything in our would get on Facebook. Sharing status updates and photographs would all happen on Facebook. But with the coming of BBM, you don’t find yourself as addicted to Facebook anymore. BBM has taken its place in several ways.