10 Signs You are Driving her Away

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When it comes to relationships, men and women function very differently. There are some things that almost men do and almost all women hate. If you think that your partner is acting a little distant lately, go through the list below and see what you are doing wrong.
1. You cancel on her for your friends
If you tell your partner you can’t make it because you have to be with your guy friends, it will not go down too well with her.
2. You are too egoistic
Women hate it when you give your ego more importance that the woman. Don’t let that happen too often.
3. You can’t take decisions
Women like men who are assertive and take decisions. If you depend on them for decisions, you will only end up annoying them.
4. You take them for granted
It’s very easy to get comfortable in a relationship and take your partner for granted. Women hate it when you take them for granted. Don’t!
5. You multi-task while you are on the phone
Women can tell when you are multi-tasking while talking to them, and it really annoys them.