4 Subtle Signs Your Boss is About to Fire You

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It’s been rightly said, ‘love your work, not your company’. The reasons behind this are too obvious yet some of us get too attached to our jobs. We spend the maximum part of our day in office, trying to please our boss who may as well not even notice the efforts we are putting in! And when he actually notices, he may not be very happy about it. Who knows, he may even have plans to fire you.
He may be preparing himself to break out the new to you, however, in the meantime you should watch out for some strong messages he is trying to convey to you, so you can prepare yourself. And, you can act smart and prepare a back-up plan for yourself. Listed here are some subtle signs your boss is about to fire you.
1. He keeps you out of the loop
If you experience a sudden change in the behavior of your coworkers and subordinates, you should not take it lightly. If any important updates, strategy meeting is taking place in your absence and you get update from others, then you may be fairly sure that this is all done on purpose.
2. He assigns menial tasks to you
If your boss has withdrawn important tasks and clients from you and they have been assigned to someone else, you should prepare yourself for the tough talk. This is an important and deliberate change keeping in mind the time when you will no longer be available to perform that task.