6 Things that Men are Insecure About

Photo Courtesy: Cherrysweetdeal
As compared to men, women seem to be a bundle of insecurities. However, the truth every man knows is that, both the sexes are almost similarly insecure; it’s just that women being more expressive tend to show it while men having to bear the burden of putting on the presence of machismo, don’t. There are quite a few things guys obsess and get filled with anxiety over, the most commonplace of which have been jotted down here.
1. Their girl leaving them
Men would rather be known as heart breakers than get their hearts broken by women. It’s somewhat true that when men love, they love deeper than a woman does and when she leaves them for any reason, especially for some other man, the pain they feel is immense. Hence many men tend to get possessive about their wives and girlfriends over time, thanks to this deep rooted insecurity of being abandoned and heartbroken.
2. Their salary
The old saying, ‘Never ask a woman her age and a man his income’ holds very much true. Men are touchy about their salaries and how much they earn because they fear the one who’s asking does better than them and is asking to put them down. When women ask this question especially, their guards go up because they don’t want the ladies to think that they are not good earners and aren’t stable enough financially.
3. Their body
Although men are not as much insecure about their bodies as women are, they are pretty close. Men feel insecure especially when someone brings something negative about their body to their notice. They fear being a pot bellied middle aged man, being physically weak, being too thin, not being tall enough, etc.