6 Tips for Talking About Money With Your Wife

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It is often difficult to talk about money with your spouse. If your relationship is transparent, then there is no need to be apprehensive. Talk to your wife regarding your financial woes. Maybe, she can help you out in all your financial worries. Listed below are some tips for talking about money with your wife.
1. Maintain a note on the calendar
Strike a note on a calendar and fix a time for a periodic financial meeting. This may sound professional to you, but it is important for your budget planning. Talk for about an hour or so regarding all the financial issues with your wife. Do not talk about anything else while doing so.
2. Be honest
Be honest while talking about money. Be quite open about your financial expectations. For instance, do not promise your wife something that you won’t be able to get for her. Tell her about your financial position and ask her to help you out with added costs, if any. Also ask her if she is ready to allocate some money, if there is shortage of funds. You must be honest about these issues.
3. Talk money only
If possible, do not talk about financial issues when there are distractions around. For instance, talk only when your children are not there at home or are sleeping. Switch off your cell phone and all other gadgets while talking about finances.