7 Tips on How to Give a Great Massage

Photo Courtesy: netris ©crestock.com
A massage when done well can create deeper levels of intimacy between you and your partner. A massage is not only a physical therapy that helps de stress and relieve your body of pain, but it helps in relieving emotional stress and channel positive energy to the other person. If you have given enough flowers and other gifts and are looking for something new to impress your woman, try giving her a truly special massage. You can either give her a special massage once in a while or make it your own romance time every week. However you need to keep a few things in mind before you give her a massage. Here are a few tips on giving her a great time.
1. Set the environment right
If you want to give your partner a truly special massage, make sure you set the environment right. Dimming the lights, using special oils and soothing music in the background are some things you can do to make the experience truly special.
2. Know the pressure points
Know the points where your pressure or the lack of it would give the other person more pleasure. It could be the neck, the shoulders or the small of the back that would want more touching.
3. Get the temperature right
Imagine yourself in a cold room with most of your clothes off. Now you wouldn’t want to do this to the other person. Do you? Make sure the temperature is just right. It should not be too hot, making the other person sweat; neither it should be too cold that it causes shivering.
4. Use clean towels
The purpose of a good massage would be defeated if you were to use a dirty or a smelly towel for cleaning and covering the other person. Always use freshly laundered clean towels, so they don’t cause any allergies or bad smells.