5 Tips on How to Think Rich

Photo Courtesy: pressmaster ©crestock.com
If there is that one thing that keeps the world on its toes, it’s the moolah. Money is something that can never be too much, realistically speaking. While some of us are born with a silver spoon in our mouth, there are also others who cultivate the art of thinking big. Here are 5 tips on how to think rich.
1. Spot the opportunity
A vital part of thinking rich is to spot the opportunities where you can earn some money or save some. If the idea of buying a used car makes you cringe, then think again, because that’s what the smart ones do. There is nothing shameful about buying used cars. They come cheaper, and if you look around a little, there is a good chance that you will find one that looks good and is also in good condition. Buying a used car also means that your insurance costs will be reduced and you may even sell it off at a good price if it continues to be in good working condition.
2. You must give in order to get it back
Being a miser and saving up that every penny is not going to make you any richer. Just like the functioning of a healthy world depends on give and take of energy, it’s also the same with your money. Only if you give out some into the world, you will get some in return. It’s all a cycle. For example, if you pay the parking lot guy a little more than the usual one day, or leave the server a few extra tips in your regular eatery, then they might even cut you some slack on some other day. Doing these little things will give only give long-term benefits. It’s called indulging in some PR activity, people who become rich are great at it.
3. Save money
Saving at least a fraction of your income is extremely important. A huge part of thinking rich is keeping knowledge of which schemes, bonds or shares to invest your money in. Even if you are saving your money in the bank, make sure that you choose a plan that gives you good returns on your hard-earned money. There is nothing like watching your money multiply.