5 Tips to Get Your Friends to Trust You

Photo Courtesy: iko ©crestock.com
Friends are the family that you get you make and choose for yourself in your life. There are a lot of reasons what you become friends with people. You may become friends with someone because they share similar tastes, you may become friends with someone because you like them for whatever reasons. Mostly you stay friends with people for a long time because you can be yourself with them and to be yourself with them, you need to be able to trust them well. It is only natural that they should be able to trust you as much as you trust them. It is not only love that keeps any bond, but also trusts. When there is not enough trust in a relationship, be it friendship or anything else, it is bound to break. Here are some tips to get your friends to trust you.
1. Always keep your promises
Think through it well before you go on and make promises. If you think you cannot follow up on a promise you make, do not make it in the first place. Breaking promises is never a good thing and it should never be a case in between friends. Making empty promises is also a breach of trust. They may have planned a lot based on your promise and you would be creating unnecessary problems because you never intended to keep it in the first place.
2. Be on time
A trivial as it may see, telling someone you would meet them at a certain time and being there at that time is a matter of trust. Even in case of friends they should be able to trust you for your punctuality. It is definitely not a good thing for your friends to be complaining about your lack of punctuality. It is a sign f taking them for granted.
3. Do not lie
Never ever lie to your friends. Your friends are the people who will stay and stand by you when others leave. If you want your friends to stay your friends and want them to trust you, you should start by not lying to them about anything. You should also not try and hide your true self from them. They will always see through your facades.