8 Tips to Overcome Performance Anxiety in Bed

Photo Courtesy: pressmaster ©crestock.com
Sexual performance anxiety is something that a lot of men face. It can really ruin an intimate relationship and make you feel helpless and frustrated. You need to remember that sex is not just about a physical response. How do you go ahead then? Here’s a list of some tips to overcome performance anxiety in bed.
1. Accept the problem
Most men who suffer from sexual performance anxiety usually stay in denial. Accepting that there is a problem does not make you weak, it is instead a sign of strength and courage. Needless to say, only when you acknowledge that there is a problem will you be motivated to look for a solution.
2. Talk to a therapist
There could be something more to your lack of sexual performance than just anxiety. Your past memories and previous sexual experiences and encounters can largely dictate the way you perform sexually. Do not shy away from seeing a therapist. He will be able to get to the root of the problem and help you perform better.
3. Share your feelings with your partner
If your partner is understanding she will be not judge you simply by how you perform in bed. Talk to her about the problem and try sharing with her what makes you feel anxious. More often than not, being open about the issue with your partner can go a long way in finding a solution. There may be some way in which you both could work together and help reduce the anxiety.
4. Exercise
Sometimes it is our own perception of our body that makes us anxious about performing sexually. You may not feel confident about how you look and the kind of shape you are in. Exercising can help a lot in this regard. Not only will you have a better body but you will also have an enhanced stamina in bed.