8 Tips to Stay Friends With Your Ex When You Have a Girlfriend Now

Photo Courtesy: frostnova
It’s a tricky situation to be in when you have a good girlfriend while still being in contact with your ex. Such a scenario needs mature understanding and trust from all 3 people and only then will everyone be happy.
1. Keep in touch through social networking websites
If you and your ex are not really good pals but she still considers you to be a good friend and tries to speak to you, you could chat online for the sake of maintaining cordial relations. Don’t get over friendly by talking to her daily through text messages and calls.
2. Don’t hide it from your present girlfriend or ex
Never make the mistake of not informing your ex about your non-single status. A healthy friendship should be formed on the basis of honesty and if you don’t tell her about your current girl, she may try her luck with you again. Also, inform your current girlfriend about your contact with your ex because if you are not doing something wrong then why hide? If she finds out about your friendship with your ex later, you would be in for a bad time.
3. Introduce them to each other
The best way to get your current girl to trust you with your ex is by introducing them to each other. Once they meet one another, they will be able to let go of some of their inhibitions or feelings of dislike.
4. Make sure your ex has moved on
A tricky situation that has been boggling people since ages is the issue of love triangles. Before you embark on a post breakup friendship with your ex, make sure she is not hitting on you in any way or trying to reconcile. Look out for hints in her way of talking, frequency of communicating, etc. If you feel she is still pining for you while you have moved on for good, gently break off contact with her by telling her that it’s not right for you to be friends with each other.