Top 6 Ways to Prevent Diabetes

Photo Courtesy: ivelinradkov ©
Diabetes, an illness almost as common as cough and cold these days, usually may not seem like life-threatening. Yet it could be so if you fail to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Diabetes can either be a genetic problem or a result of modern day eating habits. Here are the top 6 ways to prevent diabetes.
1. Shed the excess flab
People who are overweight are at a higher risk of diabetes. Even losing a little bit of your weight will put you at a safer distance from the illness. The key is to consume lesser calories than the body uses. Maintaining a healthy diet and along with that some light exercises like, walking instead of driving, using stairs instead of the lift, can keep you at bay from diabetes.
2. Never skip breakfast
As per a study, people who eat breakfast are found to have 35-50% lesser chances of becoming obese and also gain more insulin resistance. If you starve yourself, your liver automatically gives out glucose to keep your sugar levels up.
3. Have smaller portions frequently
Instead of having 3 heavy meals a day, divide your food proportions. Try having smaller meals from time to time, say about every 2-3 hours. This will help you to keep yourself at a lower risk of diabetes.