Top 7 Causes of Road Rage

Photo Courtesy: wikipedia
Anyone who has ever driven a vehicle must have experienced road rage. It’s become almost a commonality in today’s traffic choked roads, and it ends up spoiling people’s mood for the day. Here are the triggers that unleash the monsters in drivers.
1. Female drivers
Men who get irritated by female drivers cannot be called sexist as the ladies really do drive callously. They are too careful, and hence too slow, wasting the time of other drivers on the road. You can’t even unleash a set of cuss words to them as they are women, and hence, the rage gets bottled up.
2. Cars with an ‘L’
Those who are still in the learning stages often take to the main roads and end up irking experienced drivers. They drive with slow precision which is fine when you are learning, but not during the rush hours on the main roads. People mutter curse for them and holler at them to go practice on the back roads.
3. Slow moving vehicles
The most common factor that gets the goat of drivers are, slow moving vehicles. These vehicles move about as if they are in a garden without realizing that there are cars behind them waiting to get where they set out to go. Time is the most precious thing and anyone or anything who wastes it, deserves to be sworn at.
4. Zig zag maniacs
Bikers and cyclists instantly become anger targets of drivers because, they manage to cut through and get away faster. It’s a known fact that anyone on a vehicle getting away faster than your vehicle becomes irking, but what is really annoying is that many bikers, cyclists and even car drivers act over smart by zigzagging their way through traffic filled lanes. That’s really not cool.