Top 8 Reasons to End a Relationship

Photo Courtesy: gorriti
Ending relationships is a tough thing to do, but when the reason is staring in your face, it’s time to man up and take a stand. Just like various things go into the formation of a relationship, quite a few factors can break them too.
1.No time
If you both are workaholics and are finding it hard to give time to each other, then it’s better to break up than play the blame game of who makes time and who doesn’t.
2.The spark is lost
The spark and chemistry you both enjoyed during the initial phase of courtship seems to have vanished. Intimate moments seem repetitive and you can’t help but feel that you want out of such a relationship. Try to reinvent the chemistry and give it your best, however, if things still seem lackluster then you should move on.
3.Fallen out of love
This is a factor that most couples do not realize and continue to be in a stale relationship just for the sake of it. People in long term relationships tend to fall out of love and it’s important to realize this and talk to your partner about the future of your relationship.
4.Future too different
You both love each other but have different career ambitions that will not allow you to keep this relationship for long. Your future may involve traveling around the world or having a family and her career ambitions may not agree with yours.